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高 峥
发布时间:2021-09-30 浏览次数:11


高峥,博士,教授,博导。山东农业大学生命科学学院生物化学与分子生物学系主任,入选学校“杰出青年人才”培养计划。山东省创新创业导师库专家,山东省科技特派员,中国微生物学会会员,中国生态学学会微生物生态专业委员会会员,山东省生物化学与分子生物学学会理事。20086月获山东农业大学生物化学与分子生物学博士学位,20087月进入山东农业大学生科院工作。2006年至2007年在美国夏威夷大学海洋系做访问学者,2013年至2014年在自然资源部第三海洋研究所做访问学者,2017年至2018年接受国家留学基金委资助在美国俄克拉荷马大学做公派访问学者。从事微生物分子生态学、环境微生物学和微生物资源学研究,主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、中国大洋协会子课题、中国博士后科学基金特别资助、面上项目、山东省自然科学基金面上项目、山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金、山东省高等学校科技计划项目等10余项,以第一作者和通讯作者在ISME JournalMicrobiomeSoil Biology and BiochemistryBioresource TechnologyGeoderma等杂志上发表研究论文30余篇,授权专利2项。担任Soil Biology and BiochemistryWater Researchnpj Biofilms and MicrobiomesEnvironmental Pollution10余个杂志审稿人。





1. 植物微生物组学


2. 环境微生物组学


3. 微生物资源学




1.国家自然科学基金面上项目:土壤初始微生物组在马铃薯疮痂病发生与防治中的作用与机制研究 (42077027) 2021.1-2024.12

2.国家自然科学基金-山东联合基金子课题:黄河三角洲湿地生态系统中微生物驱动的碳氮元素循环过程和机制 (U1906223) 2020.1-2023.12

3.国家重点研发计划子课题:尾菜好氧生物转化及其与有害物质(杂草种子、病原菌和病毒)灭活效果与规律的研究 (2017YFD0800203) 2017.7-2020.12

4.中国大洋协会子课题:杀虫抗病防毒农用深海微生物筛选、潜力评价与开发利用 (DY135-B2-17) 2018.6-2020.12

5.国家自然科学基金青年基金:基于高通量测序的黄河入海口细菌资源多样性及群落结构研究 (41306150) 2014.1-2016.12

6.山东省自然科学基金面上项目:黄河口湿地土壤硝酸盐转化主导途径及其微生物驱动机制研究 (ZR2018MD001) 2018.3-2021.6

7.中国博士后科学基金特别资助:黄河入海口细菌多样性及其与环境因子的关系研究 (2012T50622) 2012.9-2013.5

8.中国博士后科学基金面上项目:黄河入海口细菌群落分布特征和多样性研究 (2011M501156) 2011.11-2013.5

9.国家微生物资源平台专题服务子课题:支持国家海洋强国战略实施的深海微生物资源管理 (Nimr-15-9) 2015.1-2015.12

10.山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金:渤海湾漏油对黄河入海口及渤海近海微生物生态的影响 (BS2012HZ011) 2012.7-2016.10

11.山东省高等学校科技计划项目:石油污染对黄河入海口细菌多样性的影响及石油降解菌的分离 (J10LC09) 2010.6-2016.7

12.山东农业大学“杰出青年人才”培养计划项目:微生物生态 2017.5-2020.12

13.近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室访问学者与开放课题基金:黄河口近岸湿地微生物驱动的氮素循环过程及其对环境的响应 (MELRS1901) 2019.7-2020.7

14.河口海岸学国家重点实验室开放课题:黄河口湿地微生物介导的硝酸盐还原过程与机制研究 (SKLEC-KF201603) 2016.8-2018.7

15.北京市生物多样性与有机农业重点实验室开放课题:生防菌剂对马铃薯疮痂病的防治及土壤微生物的影响 (BOF201902) 2019.6-2020.12

16.国家海洋局海洋生物遗传资源重点实验室开放课题:黄河入海口和渤海近海石油降解菌的分离及降解机理研究 (HY201205) 2012.1-2013.12

17.泉林黄腐酸肥料工程实验室开放研发基金:黄腐酸类肥料对盐碱地微生物的影响及评价 (QL2016-24) 2016.10-2018.10

18.青岛滋百农生物有机肥研发项目:木薯基质有机肥成分的系统分析、功能评价及安全性研究 2018.8-2020.7


  1. Shi WC, Li MC, Wei GS, Tian RM, Li CP, Wang B, Lin RS, Shi CY, Chi XL, Zhou B*, Gao Z*. The occurrence of potato common scab correlates with the community composition and function of the geocaulosphere soil microbiome. Microbiome. 2019, 7(1): 14.

  2. Wei GS#, Li MC#, Shi WC, Tian RM, Chang CY, Wang ZR, Wang NX, Zhao GX*, Gao Z*. Similar drivers but different effects lead to distinct ecological patterns of soil bacterial and archaeal communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2020, 144: 107759.

  3. Zhang C#, Gao Z#, Shi WC, Li LC, Tian RM, Huang J, Lin RS, Wang B, Zhou B. Material conversion, microbial community composition and metabolic functional succession during green soybean hull composting. Bioresource Technology. 2020, 316: 123823. 共同第一

  4. Liu JA#, Shu AP#, Song WF, Shi WC, Li MC, Zhang WX, Li ZZ, Liu GR, Yuan FS, Zhang SX, Liu ZB*, Gao Z*. Long-term organic fertilizer substitution increases rice yield by improving soil properties and regulating soil bacteria. Geoderma. 2021, 404: 115287.

  5. Song WF#, Shu AP#, Liu JA, Shi WC, Li MC, Zhang WX, Li ZZ, Liu GR, Yuan FS, Zhang SX, Liu ZB*, Gao Z*. Effects of long-term fertilization for different substitution ratios of organic fertilizers on paddy soil. Pedosphere. 2021,doi: 10.1016/S1002-0160(21)60047-4.

  6. Li MC, Wei GS, Liu JA, Wang XY, Hou LJ*, Gao Z*. Effects of nitrate exposure on nitrate reduction processes in the wetland sediments from the Yellow River estuary. Estuaries and Coasts. 2021, doi: 10.1007/s12237-021-00966-7.

  7. Shi WC#, Su GY#, Li MC, Wang B, Lin RS, Yang YT, Wei T, Zhou B*, Gao Z*. Distribution of bacterial endophytes in non-lesion tissues of potato and their response to potato common scab. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2021, 12: 616013.

  8. Li CP, Shi WC, Wu D, Tian RM, Wang B, Lin RS, Zhou B*, Gao Z*. Biocontrol of potato common scab by Brevibacillus laterosporus BL12 is related to the reduction of pathogen and changes in soil bacterial community. Biological Control. 2021,153: 104496.

  9. Zhang Q#, Shi WC#, Zhou B, Du HY, Xi LQ, Zou M, Zou H, Xin L, Gao Z*, Chen YL*. Variable characteristics of microbial communities on the surface of sweet cherries under different storage conditions. Postharvest Biology and Technology.2021, 173: 111408.

  10. Wang JY, Guo C, Zhao P, Yu FY, Su Y, Qu JP, Wang JL, Lin RS, Wang B, Gao Z*, Yang ZY*, Zhou B*. Biocontrol potential of Bacillus altitudinis AMCC1040 against root-knot nematode disease of ginger and its impact on rhizosphere microbial community. Biological Control. 2021,158: 104598.

  11. Chang MR#, Li MC#, Li M, Xie YH, Yang WR*, Gao Z*. Changes of gut microbiota in pregnant sows induced by 5-aminolevulinic acid.Research in Veterinary Science. 2021, 136: 57-65.

  12. Shi T#, Li MC#, Wei GS, Liu JA, Gao Z*. Distribution patterns of microeukaryotic community between sediment and water of the Yellow River estuary. Current Microbiology. 2020, 77: 1496-1505.

  13. Wang JY, Zhang XC, Guo C, Li PG, Yu FY, Zhao P, Li G, Lin RS, Zhang XY, Wang B, Gao Z*, Zhou B*. Diversity and nematocidal activity of culturable bacteria from suppressive soils in Shandong Province, China. Biocontrol Science and Technology. 2020, doi.org/10.1080/09583157.2020.1854176.

  14. Li MC#, Wei GS#, Shi WC, Sun ZT, Li H, Wang XY*, Gao Z*. Distinct distribution patterns of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in sediment and water column of the Yellow River estuary. Scientific Reports. 2018, 8(1): 1584.

  15. Li FE#, Li MC#, Shi WC, Li H, Sun ZT*, Gao Z*. Distinct distribution patterns of proteobacterial nirK- and nirS-type denitrifiers in the Yellow River estuary, China. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 2017, 63(8): 708-718.

  16. Wei GS#, Li MC#, Li FE, Li H, Gao Z*. Distinct distribution patterns of prokaryotes between sediment and water in the Yellow River estuary. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016, 100(22): 9683-9697.

  17. Yan PZ, Li MC, Wei GS, Li H*, Gao Z*. Molecular fingerprint and dominant environmental factors of nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria in sediments from the Yellow River estuary, China. PLoS ONE. 2015, 10(9): e0137996.

  18. Shan DP#, Wei GS#, Li MC, Wang WP, Li X, Gao Z*, Shao ZZ*. Distribution and diversity of bacterioplankton communities in subtropical seawater around Xiamen Island, China. Microbiological Research. 2015, 175: 16-23.

  19. Li J#, Wang J#, Wang NX, Guo XQ*, Gao Z*. GhWRKY44, a WRKY transcription factor of cotton, mediates defense responses to pathogen infection in transgenic Nicotiana benthamianaPlant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC). 2015, 121(1): 127-140.

  20. Wei GS, Li J, Wang NX*, Gao Z*. Spatial abundance and diversity of bacterioplankton in a typical stream-forming ecosystem, Huangqian reservoir, China. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2014, 24(10): 1308-1318.

  21. Li J, Wei GS, Wang NX, Gao Z*. Diversity and distribution of nirK-harboring denitrifying bacteria in the water column of the Yellow River estuary. Microbes and Environments. 2014, 29(1): 107-110.

  22. Gao Z#, Wang X#, Hannides KA, Sansone JF, Wang GY. Impact of redox-stratification on the diversity and distribution of bacterial communities in sandy reef sediments in a microcosm. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2011, 29(6): 1209-1223.

  23. Gao Z, Johnson ZI, Wang GY. Molecular characterization of the spatial diversity and novel lineages of mycoplankton in Hawaiian coastal waters. ISME Journal. 2010, 4(1): 111-120.

  24. Gao Z, Li B, Zheng CC, Wang GY. Molecular detection of fungal communities in the Hawaiian marine sponges Suberites zeteki and Mycale armata. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2008, 74(19): 6091-6101.

  25. 刘纪爱#, 束爱萍#, 刘光荣, 李祖章, 刘增兵*, 高峥*. 施肥影响土壤性状和微生物组的研究进展. 生物技术通报. 2019, 35(9): 21-28.

  26. 李林超, 张超, 董庆, 郭成, 周波*, 高峥*. 堆肥过程中纤维素降解菌的分离与鉴定. 生物技术通报. 2019, 35(9): 165-171.

  27. 位光山#, 张嘉炜#, 李明聪, 高峥*. 黄河入海口水体细菌群落多样性及分布特征. 生物技术通报. 2017, 33(10): 199-208.

  28. 宋伟凤#, 李明聪#, 高峥*. 环境中微生物原位检测方法研究进展. 生物技术通报. 2017, 33(10): 26-32.

  29. 杨硕, 高峥*, 邵宗泽*. 南海冷泉区深海沉积物中细菌的分离培养及多样性分析.生物资源. 2016, 38(1): 34-40.

  30. Wei GS, Sun J, Li J, Li H*, Gao Z*. New findings in effect of different crude oil concentrations on bacterioplankton communities. Microbiology China. 2015, 42(5): 826-834.


1. 实用新型专利:一种用于试验的微型堆肥反应装置 ZL 201922296760.2 高峥,李林超,郭成,周波,张超,董庆 授权公告日:2020.7.24

2. 发明专利:一株提高玉米耐盐能力的樊氏盐单胞菌菌株GPT10-1及其菌剂与应用 ZL 201811463622.2 高峥,王永东,杨兴洪,王令帅,李祥 授权公告日:2019.7.2






联系电话: 15605386271      

E-mail: gaozheng@sdau.edu.cn


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